Titer Tests
As a policy we do not accept Titer tests for our training classes or for assistance dogs. All puppies and dogs must be vaccinated as per the vaccination schedule. An acceptable protocol for Adult dogs is either a C5 yearly or a triennial vaccination. Triennial – The C3 component of the C5 is given every...
Why Choose Positive Response To Train With
Positive Response Services P/L is an established company with an outstanding record of excellence for its supply of services and goods in relation to assisting you the client and your dog. The business and trainers are all reward based and use force free and proven scientific methods of training that do no harm. The business...
Is Training Success Guaranteed?
Positive Response Dog Training guarantees that it will provide a quality service with staff who are trained and skilled in the field of reward based training methods to provide you with the very best coaches for you and your pet. Our programs are designed to give you the best advice on behaviour and training. It...
Who Can Attend Group Training Classes?
*Please note – if COVID19 restrictions are still in place the below does not apply* Your family pet lives with your family so it is crucial that all members where possible attend classes. Where it is not possible, it is imperative that you ALL watch the video tutorials and read up on your online notes....
Running Late Or Absent For A Class?
Running late for a class? Cant make a class this week? So that we know you are safe, haven’t had an accident and can stop worrying about you please: SMS only – your name, dogs name, class you are in and a brief explanation as soon as you can. You will be provided with your...
I Have An Un-desexed Adult Dog, Can We Join In Group Classes?
Hormones can cause major behavioural issues in entire male dogs and bitches. Due to the complications that can arise, it is our policy that anyone with an entire dog or bitch must have a 30 min assessment prior to booking into a class. If an entire bitch comes into season whilst in class, she must...
Does My Puppy Need All Their Vaccinations To Come To Classes?
This question is so frequently asked and there are many first time owners who are often given incorrect information. Puppies only need their FIRST vaccine to come into a class. It is imperative not to wait as you miss the critical learning period. There have been many studies that have looked at this question and the...
What Happens If I Miss A Class?
We do not do make up classes. Your course includes extensive online training notes and videos so that you don’t miss out on any tuition and can practice through the week. You can contact the office on 34592121 with any training questions.
Can My Child Attend Classes?
*PLEASE NOTE – THE BELOW INFORMATION WILL NOT APPLY DURING COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS* Children are welcome to come along to our classes, however, there are important safety considerations that must be adhered to for the benefit of your children, other clients and the dogs in class: Can your child sit still and be quiet for 1.25...