All Ages (Part 2)

Ongoing education and socialisation is vital for all dogs and a must for all owners! This course combines existing exercises and introduces new material.  Expand your dog’s life skills with new exercises that could save their life while building on skills already learnt.

Course Information

  • Must have completed Part 1 course as a prerequisite
  • (If you have come from another training school please contact us first)
  • Four-week course
  • Each class runs for 1 hour and 15 minutes
  • Learn several new useful commands
  • Extend walking & recall skills to work under higher distractions
  • Extend previous obedience skills by new advanced challenges
  • Socialisation around a range of dogs, environments, objects and other animals
  • Transition away from continual food rewards where possible
  • Your pet learns to work with verbal and or hand signal only commands


  • Comprehensive online notes
  • Week to week video Tutorials
  • Certificates of Graduation
  • Telephone and email support throughout class

***NOTE: Video tutorials and notes are for client use only and must not be distributed to anyone. Any breach of these terms may result in legal action. ***

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