Blog – Animal First Aid – Save your Dog’s Life!

Having a First Aid Kit with equipment for a dog can be the difference between life and death. Knowing what to do in an emergency situation is also just as critical. Our Animal First Aid Course will give you the practical and theory information for what to do in emergencies such as Toad Poisoning, Animals Hit by a Car, Basic Animal CPR and more. Basic Animal First Aid is similar to Human First Aid. Everyone should have a First Aid Certificate, this will give you the background knowledge you need. The main difference is that dogs (and cats) will use their teeth and their voice when injured and you are more likely to be harmed. Even if you know the animal and no matter how much it “loves” you, you can still get bitten whilst applying first aid. Always be cautious of their head- create an easy muzzle using a leash or bandage.

You can put together your own Animal First Aid Kit quite easily by using very similar things you would find in a First Aid Kit for Humans. Some important things that you should include in your kit:

  • Gloves
  • Scissors
  • Gauze Pad
  • Self-Adhesive Bandage
  • Fresh Bandage
  • Clean towel/ sheet
  • Saline Solution
  • Tick remover / tweezers
  • Small Cardboard Box (for wildlife)

Whilst it is great to be prepared with the materials you may need to administer First Aid to your pet it is even more important to know the application and the steps to take that may just save their life.

Did you know that here at Positive Response Dog Training we offer Animal First Aid training where you get hands on with practical first aid training. You can learn more about this training and what it includes by clicking here.